Urgent Warning To The Church in 2023
First, lets start with 2 scriptures.
Matthew 6:6 – “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” I am telling you, these words are about to come to pass in your life. I guarantee you. These are words we’ve all read, but I believe they are about to break forth in your personal life, your ministry, your job, your work, whatever it is that you are doing in obedience to the Lord. He is going to make this come alive in your life.
Isaiah 26:20 – ”Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, until the indignation is past.”
Blood On The Doorpost
Exodus 12:22 – ”And you shall take a bunch of hyssop, dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin. And none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning. 23 – “For the Lord will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the Lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you.”
We are living in a season of time where we must have the Blood on the doorpost and the lintel of our house. Understand that we are the house. The Blood of the Lamb has got to be on us every day. That means that every sin we commit must be covered by the Blood, which means daily repentance. The Blood will not only cover it, but destroy, obliterate, and remove every sin from your life. If you speak a word that is unkind, repent. If you do something unkind, repent. If you think a thought that you shouldn’t think, repent. Right now we are living in a day very much like the days that Jesus walked in. Yet, He walked in the fullness of the Spirit. The Lord is about to put the fullness of His Spirit on the Body of Christ, and you are going to walk in such anointing and power, that you are going to have to guard your mouth, your eyes and ears. Be mindful of what you hear, what you see, and what you speak. Put the helmet of salvation on your mind, take up the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit in your hands and your hearts. The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, which will enable you to walk by His Spirit in this natural life. His Living Word is going to enable you to discern between good and evil, right and wrong, someone that is of God, someone that is not of God.
A Sure Word from God
Revelation 3:10-12 – “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more.”
1.The Lord is going to keep you, beloved. This is so powerful. You’re not going to have to keep yourself anymore. You just stay in love with Jesus, and He is going to keep you.
2. The crown is the overcomer’s crown. To have a crown means that you are in authority. That means that when you say to one, go do that, they go do it. When you say to another, come here, they come, just exactly like the Centurion explained. He said to Jesus, “If you will just speak the word only, I know my servant will be healed, because I too am a man under authority.” The Lord is about bring us into a place where the authority of Almighty God is on us in such a powerful way, that we will know it is not us. It is Him doing everything that needs to be done in our lives.
3. We are the temple… the Body of Christ. The Lord is coming to abide and live in His temple, when His temple has been cleansed. You’ve been going to the Lord on a daily basis, crying out to Him, not only for your family, but for your life, your work, your ministry. You’ve been going to God about everything happening in your life. He sees that, and is giving you an overcomer’s crown.
4. He is making you a pillar in the Temple. A pillar is something which the whole building rests upon. Many of you have not moved into your place, but you are about to. You are ready for things which are about to break forth in the Body of Christ.
Revelation 22:14-15 – “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.” Nothing against those who have dogs, but dogs are considered an unclean animal in the Bible. Anyone who is immoral, even in your thought-life, have demons ministering to your mind. The Lord wants to deliver those who are still doing unclean things, but you must listen to this Word and submit yourself to God.
THE DREAM (received at 3.01am on 12/3/23)
On this night I awakened suddenly from a strange dream. Actually, to my mind, it was a horrible dream. I didn’t want to think about it, much less tell it to anyone.
In the dream, Michael and I had moved to a new place. It was like a rental, something like a motel, but not. It had furniture in it, but the furniture was not ours. I was aware that it was a temporary place. Our belongings were scattered everywhere. It was only a bedroom. Michael had already gotten into bed, and asked what was I up doing. I told him I was looking for my lotion. I pulled out drawers by the bedside table and in the dresser. They were all full of stuff, none of which was mine. Everything was jumbled up. The entire room seemed strewn with things that weren’t ours. I couldn’t find anything I was looking for. So, I said to him, “Maybe it’s in the bathroom across the hall.” (So it was like a motel, but not an American one, because the bathroom was across the hall. It seemed like a dormitory or perhaps, a hostel. Everything felt unfamiliar.)
So I went to the doorway, and I jerked open the door. To my horror, facing me, leaning against the opposite wall and against the closed doorway of the bathroom, were 6 bandoleros. These guys looked like Mexican bandits straight out of an old western movie. There they were lined up, as if they were waiting for me. (Some of them had cowboy hats, some no hats and stringy hair. They were dirty, unkempt. One had on a sombrero. Several had bandoliers across their chests filled with bullets. They wore dirty clothes and were armed to the teeth. They had pistols on their belts; they had knives; a couple of them held rifles in the crooks of their arms. It was very strange. I blinked a couple of times. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.) When I jerked open the door and saw them there, they all smiled. Their smiles were wicked, mocking, stupid grins spread across their faces, which revealed broken, dirty, tobacco-stained teeth. I slammed the bedroom door shut. I was so shocked. (I was wide-eyed, no doubt.) For a few seconds I just stood there, looking at the door, stupefied. I was hardly able to believe or take in what I had seen. In fact, I wondered if it was my imagination. I thought, I must be dreaming. So I jerked open the door again, and there they were, still grinning their stupid grins, and I realized it was like a bunch of demons who think, “We’ve got you now!” One of them (I assumed the leader), started to take a step towards me, as if I was welcoming him in, and I slammed the door in front of him.
I then awoke with a start. It was 3:01 am. I was relieved that it was only a dream. I sat up in the bed, unable to sort it out. It was so real. It was so shocking. I went to my prayer room. I prayed over it, but I received no understanding, so I just continued my usual … reading the Word, praying, worshipping. That was when I received some of the scriptures that I have already shared.
On the next day, December 4th, I was worshipping the Lord early in the morning, and His presence came so near. It was so sweet. I sat in His presence and wept. Tears were dripping down my face. (I often cry in the presence of the Lord.) In a sudden burst of revelation, I understood the dream. Funny, I wasn’t even thinking about the dream. I was just thinking about the Lord. This is what He began to speak, and I wrote it down to share with you.
You are moving into a new place. It’s not a place that will be particularly pretty. It’s not going to be a place where you even understand, but My remnant who love Me have heard the call, and many of them I have already moved. Some of them are in the process of moving, but the shift has already taken place. Some are already there, waiting on Me. It is a place of intimacy with Me (hence, the bedroom.) It is an inner chamber, and nothing will be familiar to you in this new place. (It really revealed to me that in this new place we are going to see the stuff that we don’t need, that doesn’t and shouldn’t belong to us. Maybe it’s not even ours, maybe it’s stuff that has been put upon you by other people or your family or those who have tried to trash your life. You open up the drawer and there is a bunch of junk in there. The Lord is going to help you clean up your space with Him. He is going to help you empty it all out of everything that drags you back or weighs you down. Maybe you were abused as a child. Maybe you are still being abused as a grown person, as a man or a woman. Maybe you are being abused by a boss. Maybe you are being abused by your teacher. Maybe you are being abused by your spouse. Maybe you are being abused by your children – perhaps they are grown, perhaps not.)
I am about to enable you to clean up your inner chamber, so that nothing can get in that doesn’t need to be there. You’ve learned that this world is not your home, but the place of intimacy with Me is. I am your home. You are safe there with Me. This is meant for you. If you are crying right now, allow Holy Spirit to minister to you. Just sit in His presence. He is there with you. Allow the tears to flow. Let the pain pour out. God is healing you, or He has started the process. He is healing not only the pain from abuse, but shame from your past. Maybe there’s something you’ve done that you can’t forgive yourself for. Let the Holy Spirit minister to you.
Prophetic Word
The Lord says, “You may not be able to find your belongings you once thought you needed to protect yourself, but I will give you all that you need. I am your Beloved, and you are mine. In Me you will find provision, peace, and protection.
“In this season you are moving into, where I am moving My entire remnant, it will be of necessity to only open the doors I open. Beware of trying to open your own doors, looking even for things that I have promised you. Beware of trying to make the vision that even I have given you come to fruition. Outside these doors of intimacy with Me, the enemy awaits to steal from you, to rape you, to pillage, murder, destroy, and take everything from you that I have given.
“Tell My people that they have now entered a delicate time … even a dangerous time in the spiritual realm. They must walk softly. They must listen intently, and keep their eyes on Me. Do not open any doors for yourself.” (The doors that God has for you are just going to swing open. You’re not going to have to push, manipulate or make things happen. The doors God wants you to go through are just going to swing open before you.) “I am warning My people, only walk through the doors I open to them. In the intimate place with Me, you will have everything I want you to have. I will provide for you.
“I am calling forth Josephs, Esthers and Daniels. They will only need what I give them. In 2023 they will be prepared by My hand and no other. I will provide an abundance for them, and they will know and understand Me, and I will send them forth in each of their own times, to lead My people out of bondage, out of pain, out of suffering. They will bring provision and deliverance. Many even now are unknown, but I Myself will lift them up in due time.
“Be strengthened, be courageous, be filled with My love and stay in communion with Me. I will heal many of them in their bodies. Do not say, ‘I am too old or too tired or I am untrained or I am ill-equipped.’ All that you need, in order to do what I have called you to do will be given to you freely. Doubt it not. Fear not. Do not look to the past. That which is good that you’ve gained from the past is within you. Leave it all behind and follow Me. If need be, leave family. If need be, leave land, leave houses, leave jobs, leave churches. Leave what I tell you to leave, for all will be provided for you.
“I love you with a love you cannot imagine or comprehend. My power upon you, gained in the place of intimacy, will open every door I want opened in your life. No-one can shut these doors. My protection will shut every door of distraction and pain and destruction, and nothing and no-one will be able to open it. Only obey Me, trust Me implicitly, I will not fail you, My Beloved.”