Click button below to watch Midnight Cry with Deborah on:
At the present YouTube is my MAIN video platform in use. Unless they take down my channel, this is where you will find my MOST UP-TO-DATE VIDEOS. Because of its reach and scope, YouTube is very needful at this time. We will leave this channel up as long as it is allowed. Sone day, if you should not be able to find me on YouTube, you can find me here on RUMBLE (see down below for the link.)
Click button below to watch Midnight Cry with Deborah on:

We are not running away from the battlefield. We are running towards it! I praise God that YouTube is censoring us! Yes! I do! This simply tells us we are battling demonic forces, and they are terrified. Hallelujah! What they don’t know is, they are expanding the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Thank you for subscribing to Rumble along with me.
It is my sheer delight to share with you what the Lord Jesus has so freely given to me. I love making these videos for you in obedience to Him. God has given me this platform to shout from the housetops that He loves you, is building you up in the faith, and He is sending you out for His Kingdom purposes.
We are all being equipped to fight the battle of the ages. We are in the army of God now! We were created for this time, and the Lord of Hosts is our Captain! We are learning to operate by the power of HOLY SPIRIT with the authority in His WONDERFUL NAME! Welcome to the SHOWDOWN on Planet Earth! Hallelujah!